During my first lab, I partnered with a new student that never took CSC108. He was friendly, but it was not easy to work with him. I remember last year's assignment requirements, where students are not supposed to use functions not covered in class. For example, itertools was helpful and shortens the code by a lot; however, it wasn't allowed because Dan wants us to learn from working with the tools we have for now. This partner I had did not know what CSC108 are accustomed to. As a result, he had to rely on using Google for in-built functions and follow his own methods. The worst part is he deleted my code because he found itertools to be shorter and simpler! Although employers won't limit you on what you use, that still makes me worry. Since collaboration is required in team projects, I learnt from this encounter to be more assertive of my own opinions and prepare for the worst. If I were to relive that day, first, I would stop him from taking all the work by explaining how lab marks are based on participation. Secondly, I would explain to him how it would be nice to practice following the course requirements. Last but not least, I would try to engage in the activity more by telling him how it was not easy to follow him and he needs to explain his method more. Most of the time, we seem to neglect the importance of switching driver and navigator. I finally realized how beneficial it can be.
For fellow SLOGers, how was your lab partner? Was he or she easy to work with? Did you learn anything from that person? Let me know!
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